Machu Picchu Full Day

Trip Overview

Machu Picchu Full DayMachu Picchu ancient Inca city, hidden in the Andes of Peru. Located at 2430 m.s.n.m., it is known as “The Lost City of the Incas” At a point of magnificent stop and great natural beauty in the middle of a tropical and at the same time mountainous forest, machu picchu cusco.

The sanctuary of Machu Picchu is a fortress that has the most impressive architecture of the Inca empire in the peak period. The most significant stone is the “Intihuatana” or solar calendar; that allowed the Incas to know the seasons and the climate precisely throughout the year. Its walls, terraces and gigantic ramps give the impression of having been carved in the grooves of the rock.

Pachacutec obtained the exact location of the settlements based on the development of agricultural production and the extraction of mineral deposits, the other reason focuses on the fact that the mountain range has great spiritual significance because it is considered a sacred place where the Astronomical study of the constellations of stars and the sun, which represents the main deities of the Inca civilization.

Machu Picchu is an impressive place and one of the most visited in the world where we can feel the energy and magic that have mystically left its ancient inhabitants and the privileged nature of the place that is impressive.



  • 03:45 am Transfer from the hotel.
  • 03:50 am Transportation to Ollantaytambo station.
  • 06:10 am We will take the train to Aguas Calientes.
  • 07:40 am Arrival and transportation to Machu Picchu. Recently declared one of the 7 wonders of the modern world, this will be an unforgettable day.
  • 09:00 am Guided in Group or Private Service of this imposing Lost City of Incas, rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911. With temples and enclosures surrounded by terraces that end on the mountainside, a simply incredible place.
  • 1:00 pm. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant.
  • 4:00 p.m. We will go to the Aguas Calientes station.
  • 4:22 p.m. Departure by train to Ollantaytambo station.
  • 6:20 p.m. Transfer by bus to the city of Cusco.
  • 8:20 p.m. Arrival in the city of Cusco.
  • Important: The time of the Machu Picchu 1 Day Trip from Cusco will be confirmed again at the destination.

Optional: Buffet Lunch in Machu Picchu: El Mapy Restaurant with an additional cost of only $ 20.00 (Does not include hot or cold drinks)




  • Transfer Hotel / Ollantaytambo Station / Hotel
  • Train tickets (according to availability).
  • Consettur RT bus (Ascent and Descent).
  • Entrance to the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.
  • Shared services with a Professional Bilingual Guide (Spanish or English).


  • Lunches
  • Services not detailed in the program.




  • All rates for our Peru Packages are expressed in US dollars (optional for currency exchange) and are programmed per person.
  • The rates valid for Peruvians only include VAT.
  • All our rates are subject to availability and changes.
  • Children under 02 years and 11 months are considered INF (babies), do not pay any service and do not have the right to food, bed or seat on the tours.
  • DCC (child) is considered a child from 03 to 10 years and 11 months, has a special rate and shares a room with parents.
  • Children over 11 years old considered adults.
  • Minors must travel with an identity document.
  • Rates do not apply to holidays, Easter, long weekends, national holidays, Christmas or New Years.

Information Aditional

COVID-19 is unprecedented. We know your wishes to travel, and it is our mission to provide you with the best service. All our tourist services in each destination have established biosafety protocols.

Facts about Machu Picchu

There are many curious facts about Machu Picchu, which we want to share with you. We are sure that after reading this article you will start scheduling your visit. So enjoy!

  • Machu Picchu is located at an average altitude of 2400 meters above sea level and has a total area of ​​325.92 kilometers.
  • Machu Picchu is a Quechua word that means “Old Mountain”.
  • Its imposing architecture comprises around 140 structures that make up the entire citadel.
  • The mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu are part of a great orographic formation known as Batolito de Vilcabamba, in the Central Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes.
  • Machu Picchu is one of the new seven wonders of the world, along with imposing architectures such as The Great Wall of China or the Taj Mahal.
  • It is presumed that it was built by the Inca Pachacútec around the year 1460.
  • It was forgotten until the North American Hiram Binghan arrived on an expedition and spread its existence worldwide in 1911. However, other Peruvians already knew of its existence.
  • The archaeological zone is only accessible by the Inca roads that reach it (the well-known Inca Trail), or by using the Hiram Bingham road (which ascends the slope of the Machu Picchu hill from the train station in the town of Aguas Calientes.
  • Machu Picchu was declared “Historical Sanctuary of Peru” in 1981.
  • Machu Picchu was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983.
  • The Intihuatana was built as an astronomical clock and calendar.
  • So you already know more about this beautiful Inca citadel. We hope that you will soon be encouraged to know and be part of its majesty.

History of Machu Picchu

The history of Machu Picchu says that mountain populations from the Vilcabamba and Sacred Valley regions inhabited the Picchu ravine.

In the period of the Middle Horizon there is a demographic explosion by groups not historically documented but possibly linked to the TAMPU ethnic group of Urubamba and it is believed that these peoples could be part of the Federation that were rivals of the first Inca of Cusco.

Who built Machu Picchu?

Archaeological studies have estimated that Machu Picchu was built during the 15th century. Pachacuteq, the first Inca emperor, after conquering the city of Picchu, ordered the construction of an entire luxury urban complex for the aristocracy of the Inca period in 1450.

History of Machu Picchu during the Inca period (1438-1534).

In 1450 Pachacuted ordered the construction of an urban complex with luxurious civil and religious buildings as a refuge for the most select of the Inca aristocracy, a luxurious and well-kept mausoleum to receive the remains of the monarch Pachacutec. However, some of its best constructions and the evident ceremonial character would show that it was used as a religious sanctuary.

The fortress was located on the eastern slope of the Vilcanota mountain range, a visit to the heart of the Inca Empire and the Andean and colonial culture. With the magnificent “Lost City of the Incas”, Machu Picchu about 80 km from Cusco, the capital of Tahuantinsuyo.

Its strategic geographical situation was chosen with admirable success. Surrounded by deep cliffs and away from the sight of strangers by a tangled jungle, the citadel of Machu Picchu had the quality of having a single narrow entrance, which allowed, in the event of a surprise attack, to be defended by very few warriors.

It is believed that the population in Machu Picchu was between 300 and 1000 inhabitants belonging to the panaca of Pachacuteq, it was an unknown place for the lower castes and its routes prohibited for anyone who was not part of the small circle of the Inca. machu picchu day trip from cusco

Within the valleys that formed the valley region are the administrative centers of Patallacta and Quentemarca, which favored Machu Picchu for its agricultural sectors and thus provided food to the population.

When Pachacuteq died, all his properties were administered by his panaca and a new government of the Inca Túpac Yupanqui (1470-1493) and Huayna Capac (1493-1529) began.

istory of Machu Picchu between the colony and the republic (XVII-XIX)

After the fall of Vilcabamba in 1572, Machu Picchu remained within the jurisdiction of several colonial estates that changed owners during Republican times from 1821; it became a remote place far from the new roads and economic axes of Peru.

Apparently the agricultural sector of Machu Picchu was uninhabited and therefore were lands of interest for the inhabitants who cultivated; but its urban sectors were not occupied by farmers but by the vegetation of a cloud forest.

In 1865, during the trips that the naturalist Antonio Raymondi made, he passed by the foot of the ruins without realizing the great constructions that existed there. However, in 1867 Augusto Berns not only discovered the ruins but also founded a mining company “Compañía Anónima Explotadora de las Huacas del Inca” to exploit the treasures that were housed there.

Then between 1867 and 1870 during the government of José Balta, the company operated in the area and sold everything it found to Spanish and North American collectors. Thus, in 1870 Harry Singer placed for the first time a map with the location of Cerro Machu Picchu and called Huayna Picchu “Punta Huaca del Inca”.

Then a second map is made in 1874 by the German Herman Gohring where he locates and mentions both mountains in an exact place, 5 tips for your trip to Machu Picchu. Macchu Picchu, the best-known tourist enclave in Peru and one of the Wonders of the World until in 1880 Charles Wiener a French explorer confirmed the existence of archaeological remains in the place and canceled the possibility of calling it “lost city”.

Rediscovery of Machu Picchu (1894-1911)

Agustín Lizárraga arrived at Machu Picchu on July 14, 1902, leading Gabino Sánchez, Enrique Palma and Justo Ochoa from Cusco; who left their names inscribed in the Temple of the Three Windows. There are also other informative data where it is reported that Agustín Lizárraga had visited Machu Picchu with Luis Béjar in 1894.

On July 24, 1911, the American Hiram Bingham arrived at Machu Picchu, guided by Melchor Arteaga and a sergeant of the Civil Guard named Carrasco; During their journey they found two families who lived there: the Recharte and the Álvarez, who used the southern platforms to cultivate. And it is Pablo Recharte, one of the sons of the family who guides Bingham towards the urban area covered by brush.

Bingham was impressed to see so much wonder and asked for support from Yale University, the National Geographic Society and the Peruvian Government to begin the scientific study of the site, so with the engineer Ellwood Erdis, the osteologist George Eaton, Toribio Recharte and Anacleto Álvarez and other workers from the Bingham area carried out archaeological work in Machu Picchu between 1912 and 1915.

Attractions of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is simply spectacular, each space within it is fascinating, and no matter where you look, you will be amazed. But within the Inca city there are attractions that stand out from the rest, either because of its architectural beauty, its natural beauty, or the intense desire that is generated from wanting to be in them. Here is the list of the most spectacular attractions of Machu Picchu. You will see all this attractions during the Machu Picchu 1 Day Trip from Cusco.


The terraces or platforms are representative structures of the Inca Empire, they were a very significant advance for the agriculture practiced by the Incas, with which they managed to generate microclimates at different levels of the slopes of the mountains where they were usually built. Machu Picchu had to be a self-sustaining city, so an agricultural sector was assigned in the Inca city, this is where you can see the beautiful platforms next to some Colcas (warehouses).

Fountain ladder

Water is essential for the functioning of any city. Machu Picchu has a whole system of fountains that supplied the city with fresh water and which are still in operation until now. Within all these stands out the Escalera de Fuentes, an astonishing work of hydraulic engineering, consisting of 16 carefully carved and carved artificial waterfalls, located between the Temple of the Sun and the Royal Palace.

Putucusi mountain

When you visit the Inca city of Machu Picchu, you can see a mountain that happily rises to one side of Machu Picchu, it is the Putucusi mountain or happy mountain.

This attraction is very little known to visitors, due to the difficulty involved in making the journey to its top and the time it takes, but once there the views are incredible and Machu Picchu can be seen from a different angle. Unlike the other mountains of Machu Picchu, you do not need any special ticket to climb Putucusi; yet. The climb is demanding so it is an adventure not suitable for everyone.

Temple of the Condor

The Temple of the Condor is one of the most striking and surprising in Machu Picchu, the Incas accommodated a natural rock formation that was carved in the shape of wings along with another sculpted stone that forms the head and neck of a condor. This construction is a three-dimensional representation of the sacred bird of the Incas, a symbol of power and fertility, and which is part of the Inca trilogy of the condor, the puma and the snake.

Royal Palace and the Acllahuasi

In the residential sector of Machu Picchu you can see two enclosures that are built in a special way. The Royal Palace is a house made with fine masonry and is the largest in the place, in addition to having a preferential location. The Acllahuasi was probably a place where virgins dedicated to religiosity lived, it is an enclosure of several blocks built with great detail and with the particularity of having only one access to it, in one of the blocks of the place you can find the Hall of the Mortars where two circular vessels are carved also known as Mirrors of Water.

 Machu Picchu Mountain

It is the mountain on which the citadel of Machu Picchu sits, taking a walk through it will allow you to observe unparalleled landscapes of the entire sanctuary, and once at its top you will be able to see the Inca city and its surroundings in a unique way. You need the ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain to visit it.

Although it is a somewhat strenuous hike, it can be done by everyone, since its trails are wide and not very steep. This mountain is the ideal alternative for those who do not dare to climb the Huayna Picchu mountain or for those who could not get a place for it.

Sun Temple

The Temple of the Sun is an attractive structure with a circular tower located in the religious sector of Machu Picchu, it is made of granite built in the Inca imperial style.

Inside the temple there is a ceremonial altar carved in rock, in the walls of it there are two windows from where you can see the sunrise during the summer and winter solstices in an exact way.

Inside the temple there is a rectangular patio where you can see 9 niches with a door with security rings. The tower of the Temple of the Sun is based on a huge rock in which there is a small cave covered by fine masonry, it is believed that it was a mausoleum, where the mummy of the Inca Pachacuteq could even have been.

The Sacred Square

In this place you can find two of the most outstanding structures of Machu Picchu. The Main Temple, which is a three-walled enclosure with finely carved blocks and is thought to have been the most important temple in the city.

And the Temple of the Three Windows, a beautiful lithic structure that consists of three polygonal walls, built with huge stone pieces perfectly assembled with great art and skill, three beautiful trapezoidal-shaped windows and two niches stand out, one on each side, all three windows would have been located there for a magical-religious reason.

The Intihuatana

The Intihuatana is the best known lithic piece of Machu Picchu and without a doubt the most enigmatic.

It is a sundial, it is sculpted in a single piece, and on its different faces it casts shadows, in relation to the movement of the sun and the different seasons of the year, with this artifact the Incas made precise observations and measurements on the climate. Many of the visitors come to it to be filled with the energy that it emanates.

Huayna Picchu

The Huayna Picchu mountain is without a doubt the most desired and popular attraction of Machu Picchu, it is the unique mountain that is seen in all the classic photos of Machu Picchu, climbing it is an incredible adventure.

When you see the mountain from below, it looks very steep and climbing it can generate intense vertigo, but reaching its top can mean the greatest moment of your life, the sensations from there are many and the views will be fabulous and unforgettable.

And it is not the only thing, since in the Huayna Picchu mountain there is also the Temple of the Moon, in addition to several Inca constructions from where you can see the entire sanctuary. Remember that to climb this incredible mountain you must purchase the Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu, but you must do it at least two months in advance, as it is highly requested. machu picchu day tours

Machu Picchu Tickets

If you are planning your Machu Picchu 1 Day Trip from Cusco and do not know where to start, we inform you that the first big step is to secure the entrance ticket to the Inca City. This ticket gives you the right to enter the main attractions of the Wonder of the World. But what else does this famous ticket include? And what is not included?

Types of entrance Machu Picchu 2022

As in 2019, in 2022, there are 4 types of Machu Picchu tickets. All include a visit to the Inca City and all its archaeological sites.

Ticket Machu Picchu Solo

Includes a visit to the Inca City of Machu Picchu.

It offers 9 different income hours:

  • Schedule 1: admission is from 6 a.m.
  • Schedule 2: admission is from 7 a.m.
  • Schedule 3: admission is from 8 a.m.
  • Schedule 4: admission is from 9 a.m.
  • Schedule 5: admission is from 10 a.m.
  • Schedule 6: admission is from 11 a.m.
  • Schedule 7: admission is from 12 p.m.
  • Schedule 8: admission is from 1 p.m.
  • Schedule 9: admission is from 2 p.m.

Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu

Includes a visit to the Inca City and the Huayna Picchu mountain.

It offers 3 different entry hours:

  • Group 1: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 6 a.m. / the entrance to Huayna Picchu is from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Group 2: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 7 a.m. / the entrance to Huayna Picchu is from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Group 3: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 8 a.m. / the entrance to Huayna Picchu is from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

Ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain

Includes a visit to the Inca City and the Machu Picchu mountain.

It offers 3 different entry times:

  • Group 1: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 6 a.m. / the entrance to the Mountain is from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Group 2: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 7 a.m. / the entrance to the Mountain is from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
  • Group 3: the entrance to Machu Picchu is from 8 a.m. / the entrance to the Mountain is from 9 a.m. at 10 a.m.

Some tourism agencies also include a ticket that includes a visit to the Machu Picchu Site Museum.

Ticket Machu Picchu + Museum

Includes a visit to the Inca City and the Manuel Chávez Ballón Site Museum.

The entrance to Machu Picchu is in the 9 entry times of the ticket ‘Machu Picchu Solo’: from 6 a.m. / 7 am. / 8 a.m. / 9 a.m. / 10 a.m. / 11am. / 12 p.m. / 1 pm. / 2 p.m.

Visiting hours for the Site Museum are from 8 a.m. at 4 p.m.

Machu Picchu Tickets Cost:

Tickets to Machu Picchu must be reserved online and in advance because their availability is limited. There is an official site that sells tickets. However, to purchase tickets for university students, they must be purchased through a tourism agency.

Are there discounts on the price of the Ticket Machu Picchu?

  • Discount for minors Children under 8 years old do not pay for the Machu Picchu ticket. Children from 8 to 17 years old can buy the Ticket Machu Picchu with a discount in the price. For this they must send a copy of their passport.
  • Discount for students Students who have a university card can access a discount on the price of Machu Picchu tickets. To do this, they must send the digital copy of the current university card.
  • Discount for CAN People belonging to the Andean Community of Nations (CAN): Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia; They also have access to a discount on the price of the Machu Picchu ticket.

How long in advance to buy the Machu Picchu ticket?

Tourists who want to visit Machu Picchu in 2020, must purchase their tickets in advance. Especially if you want to visit during the peak tourist season (April to October).

  • Entrance Machu Picchu Solo: 3 weeks before.
  • Entrance Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu: 3 months before.
  • Entrance Machu Picchu + Mountain: 3 weeks before.
  • Entrance Machu Picchu + Museum: 3 weeks before.

How to enter the Mountains of Machu Picchu?

The entrance ticket to Machu Picchu Solo does not allow entry to the Mountains that accompany the Inca llaqta. To get entry to these, you need to reserve tickets to Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu + Mountain. These include the tour of the Wonder of the World. Both are highly recommended because they are located higher than the Inca City, so the view is impressive. machu picchu day trip from cusco

The entrance to Huayna Picchu

Huayna Picchu is the mountain that crowns the Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu. Its steep peaks are one of the greatest attractions for the visitor. The entrance to this place can only be done with the Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu. To enter Waynapicchu you must reserve your entrance up to 3 months in advance due to high demand. Only 400 people divided into three groups can make their entry.

Entrance to Machu Picchu Mountain

This mountain is the summit on whose skirt the Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu sits. It is located higher than Huayna Picchu. To travel its roads you need the Ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain. This must also be booked in advance. Only 800 people divided into three groups can enter this place daily.

Entrance to the Site Museum

The Manuel Chávez Ballón Site Museum exhibits material belonging to Machu Picchu. It is the ideal option for a historical tour in the Wonder of the World. To make your entry you can book your ticket Machu Picchu Museum in advance. train from cusco to machu picchu

What Our Clients Says

  • star rating  Camino del inca 2 días - EXCELENTE - Excelente tour. El servicio previo al día de la salida muy bueno, nos informaron de todo. Destaco a Nancy de la agencia que en todo momento no asesoró y su... read more

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    star rating  Mia me atendió desde primer momento, estuvo atenta a mis inquietudes. El plan que nos diseñó por Arequipa, Puno y Cusco estuvo perfecto. Siempre puntuales y con actitud de servicio,... read more

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