Seeing Machu Picchu from a distance is one of the most beautiful sights many visitors will encounter. You can see the Inca citadel at the top of Huayna Picchu and its surroundings, creating a breathtaking view.
However, having the opportunity to climb Huayna Picchu is something that very few travellers get the chance to experience.
It is not an easy hike, but it is well worth it, which is why we have put together this guide to hiking Huayna Picchu. Here you will learn everything you need to know about hiking Huayna Picchu, including where to go, how long it takes, what you need and what to expect.
Where is the hike Huayne Picchu
If you are interested in hiking Huayna Picchu, we suggest you, because it is one of the best treks from Machu Picchu. The Huayna Picchu trek starts in Machupicchu citatel, from there you can see, observe all MachuPicchu citadel.
How long does it take to climb Huayna Picchu?
The best answer to this question depends on your physical condition, but generally speaking, the Huayna Picchu trek takes around 7 to 10 days. It is not an easy hike, but it is well worth it. The climb to Huayna Picchu is not as difficult as Machu Picchu, but it is still a challenge.
The hike to Huayna Picchu is not for the faint hearted, but if you are in good physical condition and have no fear of heights, then it is an experience you will never forget.
What you need to hike Huayna Picchu
The hike to Huayna Picchu is not difficult, but it is challenging. The hike to Huayna Picchu is not as difficult as Machu Picchu, but it is still a challenge. The hike to Huayna Picchu is not for the faint hearted, but if you are in good physical condition and not afraid of heights, then it is an experience you will never forget.
You need to be in good physical condition, good boots/shoes to protect your feet, water-based sun cream, insect repellent, warm layers, a hat, a head torch, food, snacks, a GPS device and a first aid kit.
How to get to Huayna Picchu
The hike of the Huayna Picchu star in the MachuPicchu citadel, it is takes around 1.20 minuts for hike, until the top.
Safety precautions during the trek
We recommend that you hike Huayna Picchu with experienced trekkers. The Huayna Picchu trek is not for the faint hearted, but if you are in good physical condition and have no fear of heights, then it is an experience you will never forget.
When trekking Huayna Picchu we recommend that you follow the following safety precautions: Follow the trail markers – The Huayna Picchu trek takes you through private fincas and other houses, so we recommend that you carefully follow the trail markers.
*The hike to Huayna Picchu takes you through private fincas and other houses, so please follow the trail markers carefully. – Bring a GPS device.
*The hike to Huayna Picchu takes you through private fincas and other houses, so we recommend that you carefully follow the trail markers. You will need a GPS device if you plan to follow the Huayna Picchu trek itinerary as described below.
*Take a friend – The hike to Huayna Picchu is challenging and dangerous. You should take a friend with you on the Huayna Picchu trek to keep you safe and help you if you are injured.
*Take a first aid kit – The Huayna Picchu trek is challenging and dangerous. You should carry a first aid kit to treat any injuries you may sustain during the trek.
*Carry a walking stick – The trek to Huayna Picchu is challenging and dangerous. You should take a walking stick on the Huayna Picchu trek to protect your foot if you trip and fall.
*Wear suitable walking shoes – The Huayna Picchu trek is challenging and dangerous. You should wear hiking shoes on the Huayna Picchu trek.